Medically underwritten mortality studies

MorganAsh evaluates pension schemes, using evidence-based underwriting – which delivers far more accurate funding valuations. This approach has typically shown variations of 5–10% in valuations, resulting in changes in valuations of millions of pounds.

For many UK businesses, funding a defined benefit pension scheme is a financial headache.

Not only can their balance sheets accumulate deficits, they may also pay more into schemes than is needed.


The value of a pension scheme is estimated by actuaries – using a set of standard, but broad-brush, assumptions. Postcodes are often used as a measure of scheme members’ health – and therefore how long they will live. While not total guesswork, the resulting figures are rarely accurate.

Because they’re accepted as the only statistics available, assumption-based mortality estimates have been used for years. But, with the advent of medical underwriting, this no longer needs to be true. 

Assessing scheme members’ actual health provides a far closer prediction of longevity; one which significantly affects the overall scheme value. Medical underwriting studies typically find that previous valuations can be 5% to 10% higher than needed.

Medical underwriting isn’t revolutionary. It’s regulator-approved and has won industry awards. It’s been used on thousands of pension schemes. It has enabled billions of pounds’ worth of pensions to be revalued empirically, saving companies millions – and significantly reducing pension-based risk.

The company delivering these improvements is MorganAsh.

MorganAsh replaces assumptions with evidence – authentic personal health information, gathered sensitively and securely by medical professionals.

Every medically underwritten mortality study undertaken by MorganAsh has led to a scheme revaluation – 99% of which were lower than previous estimates.

Medically underwritten mortality studies aren’t rocket science. But they are smart.

Medically underwritten mortality studies from MorganAsh.

Peter Labrow

Head of marketing at MorganAsh. Consumer vulnerability champion. Writer and storyteller. Co-author: Is It News?


Care navigator


MorganAsh Resilience System: MARS