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  • “Since using MARS, I have discovered more characteristics of our clients – even though I have known them for years. It also allows our business to give clients a platform to voluntarily let us know if they may be temporarily vulnerable, so we can meet their needs.”

    Sam Whybrow CFP AFPS RLP, Chartered Financial Planner

  • “MARS puts me in a far better position than before. I didn’t have any information like this, or evidence of client vulnerabilities.”

    Paul Russell, chartered financial planner

  • “I am so pleased that I found the MARS System; I am very happy to be improving my client care and responsibilities.”

    Mike Kellett Cert PFS Cert CII(MP) Cert ReR, Director, Forbes Consultancy

  • “We are very happy to be working with MorganAsh. They are taking some great strides with their MARS tool, in the financial services sector, towards really making a difference to how vulnerable people are treated.”

    Helen Lord, CEO, the Vulnerability Registration Service:

  • “The MorganAsh MARS tool offers firms an outsource capability and credible solution to achieve that aim and deliver proportionate support and fair outcomes.”

    Jonathan Warren, head of innovation, Altus

  • “Good practice principles and the use of fintech, such as the MorganAsh MARS tool, can greatly improve our ability to assess, store and communicate vulnerability across and between organisations.”  

    Keith Richards, Chair of the Financial Vulnerability Task Force