Customer vulnerability review

Consumer Duty board report readiness review

A gap analysis of a firm’s Consumer Duty board report, compared to the FCA’s requirements. This is a desk-based assessment, which includes fact-finding via Microsoft Teams meetings. This assessment helps organisations to compile meaningful and robust Consumer Duty board reports.

Aim: To give firms the ability to produce robust and accurate board reports, for Consumer Duty attestation.

Audience: Senior and operation managers who are responsible for Consumer Duty.

Duration: Half day

Location: Firms’ offices, face-to-face

Fee: £2,500 + VAT

Firms to provide their Consumer Duty board report and supporting data, a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the event, for analysis.

Note: This is a remote desk-based assessment of your board report, with some remote interaction over Microsoft Teams. We also offer a highly interactive workshop allows for detailed discussion and learning. If you are unsure about which format will work best for you, please contact us.

Topics covered include:

  • The FCA’s requirements for Consumer Duty board reports.

  • The firm’s current status in terms of Consumer Duty including vulnerable customer management.

  • The need for good, detailed data and the best ways to obtain this.

  • The need to provide evidence across the value chain.

  • The need for and role of action plans.

  • The role of the board and how board members can provide effective challenge.

  • Understanding the gap between where the firm is and where the FCA expects it to be.

  • Developing a plan to create a successful board report, with key milestones, dependencies, actions and outcomes.


  • The skills and knowledge needed to compile an effective, robust Consumer Duty board report.

  • The ability to understand what is needed to implement plans for acquiring this data as part of an ongoing Consumer Duty and vulnerable customer management process.

  • An understanding of how to document action plans and the level of detail required for these to meet the FCA’s expectations.