MorganAsh supports Pioneer with new product launch
Pioneer’s new ‘Bills and Things’ protection product launched; MorganAsh provides full ‘Big T’ tele-interview with improved service for consumers.
There is no financial underwriting up front and no medical questions, as every client is fully tele-interviewed by MorganAsh. This makes the sales process easy, but robust and thorough, so claimants will be paid.
MorganAsh and Pioneer have worked on the tele-interview process so that the majority of applicants will be underwritten on the tele-interview alone. Hence the majority of applications will be on cover within a couple of weeks.
“Our original adoption of MorganAsh tele-interviewing was to reduce non-disclosure and reliance on GPRs. We now realise the greater benefit is in removing the hassle of the adviser having to undertake a medical interview, thus making the sale far easier,” said Paul Wood, sales director at Exeter Friendly Society.
“Along with ongoing product development, we are committed to streamlining our application process. Tele-interviewing enables us to replace a significant proportion of our GP reports, thereby cutting our turnround times significantly,” said Andy Chapman, chief executive at Exeter Friendly Society.
“We have made the sales process easy for advisers, so making ‘Bills and Things’ and easy to sell,” commented Andrew Gething, managing director of MorganAsh. “Tele-interviewing is becoming the preferred approach for companies wishing to make life easy for financial advisers.”