Managing vulnerability in consumer credit

The FCA has announced that it is reviewing how vulnerability is being managed. What are the practical implications for consumer credit, particularly in the motor finance sector, where credit is so important? We look at what does consumer vulnerability look like, and what is required under Consumer Duty in consumer credit? We talk about the elephant in the room – the sale – the conflict of assessing consumers and minimising friction in the sale. And we ask what are the costs, benefits and risks of assessing consumer vulnerability? We also look at: personalisation of communications, comparisons of buying journeys, what the motor finance sector ‘doesn’t know’ about other areas of financial services – and we talk about the FCA’s current thinking and offer insights into what’s coming down the line from the regulator.

Peter Labrow

Head of marketing at MorganAsh. Consumer vulnerability champion. Writer and storyteller. Co-author: Is It News?


The FCA’s customer vulnerability survey


Are you vulnerable to getting it wrong? Question and answers