Identifying vulnerable customers
MARS’s unique ‘Resilience Rating’ turns a complex, nuanced customer vulnerability assessment into something that is both understandable and transportable.
“Like everyone, I think I know my clients, but MARS highlighted some with significant vulnerabilities – clients with alcohol dependency issues, and clients who have had cancer. Those stood out, but there is a wealth of detail across the board.”
— Paul Russell, chartered financial planner
Expert assessments, without being an expert
Vulnerabilities are not binary. For example, in the same way that people are not just rich or poor, people are not either totally blind or fully sighted – there is a wide range of vision impairments. In addition, people may employ coping mechanisms to compensate for a vulnerability. And of course, vulnerabilities can change over time. You can be born with impaired vision, you can have a progressive condition – or indeed, a condition can be reversed. When you consider this, it’s clear that a checkbox for ‘sight issue’ is not helpful.
This is why MARS uses a unique ‘Resilience Rating’. This measures the severity of a vulnerability, not just that it exists. It also allows for coping mechanisms which partly, or totally, mitigate that vulnerability – so firms can record it, and understand what actions are needed, if any. MARS also allows vulnerabilities to be tracked over time and assessed in the context of specific circumstances.
Managing multiple vulnerability characteristics
Identification can become more complex in the real world, where (of course) people have multiple vulnerability characteristics at the same time. MARS is built for this reality, considering characteristics of physical and mental health, wealth, life events (such as bereavement or divorce), the ability to understand financial conversations, the ability to engage and the person’s support network. All of these are tracked over time. Individual ratings are provided for each category, and this is aggregated into an overall measure of a person’s resilience. It’s powerful – providing detail when you need it and an overall rating to just communicate vulnerability at a high level.
Customer vulnerability in context
MARS also understands circumstances – for example, some vulnerabilities have little or no relevance with some products or services but could result in disastrous outcomes in others. MARS takes this into account, dealing with vulnerabilities in context – and allowing for this to change.
MARS does all of this for you
You could train all your front-line staff, advisers and agents to understand every one of the many possible consumer vulnerabilities – and their combinations and contexts. Or you can get MARS to do this for you – and more – which is typically far easier, simpler, faster and cheaper.
MARS is integrated with the Vulnerability Registration Service – the only cross-industry register of vulnerable consumers.