Monitor vulnerable customers

MARS enables you to monitor customer vulnerability over a product’s lifetime – ensuring that vulnerability data is current and useful.

The MARS tool negates the need for extensive training and handles most of the administration automatically, making this a far more cost-effective approach to consumer vulnerability.”

— Sheriden Davy, James Sharp

Vulnerability data needs to keep pace with life

Initial assessments are fine, but times change. There is a need or regulatory obligation to monitor vulnerabilities over the lifetime of a product, and to assess people again for different products and services.

MARS enables you to quickly reassess customers as needed, to monitor changes. These changes can be tracked in MARS and there is a full audit trail. This is useful to not just track vulnerabilities, but also to benchmark how you are responding to different cohorts of vulnerable customers.

Real people live in households (and not)

MARS caters for the real world, where individuals are part of a household, where they can move from one household to another, or where they may be a carer for – or responsible for – someone in a different household.

Avoid data decay

Regular assessments can help to avoid data becoming less relevant over time. Also, data in MARS can be cross-referenced with the Vulnerability Registration Service, or automatically augmented with more up-to-date data from other sources (additional costs may apply).

Software and services to assess, identify, monitor, support and report on vulnerable customers

AssessIdentify • Monitor • SupportReport

  • “I am so pleased that I found the MARS system; I am very happy to be improving my client care and responsibilities.”

    — Danny Thomas, director, Clocktower Support

  • “Like everyone, I think I know my clients, but MARS highlighted some with significant vulnerabilities – clients with alcohol dependency issues, and clients who have had cancer. Those stood out, but there is a wealth of detail across the board. As much as you can ask all the questions and may be doing good fact-finds, the MARS assessment brought out information that I just didn’t know. MARS puts me in a far better position than before. I didn’t have any information like this, or evidence of client vulnerabilities.”

    — Paul Russell, chartered financial planner

  • “The MARS vulnerability report provides valuable live data as to whether a client will get health-rated for life insurance and/or permanent health insurance. It also allows vulnerability tracking throughout the conveyance – which is vital under Consumer Duty.”

    — Mike Kellett Cert PFS Cert CII(MP) Cert ReR, director, Forbes Consultancy

  • “Since using MARS, I have discovered more characteristics of our clients – even though I have known them for years. It also allows our business to give clients a platform to voluntarily let us know if they may be temporarily vulnerable, so we can meet their needs.”

    — Sam Whybrow CFP AFPS RLP, chartered financial planner

  • “This is a positive step forward in eliminating inconsistent outcomes and potential harm for consumers and ensuring that we always provide both the best advice and the best products for every client every time.”

    — Nici Audhlam-Gardiner, CEO, Foresters Financial UK

  • “The MorganAsh MARS tool offers firms an outsource capability and credible solution to achieve that aim and deliver proportionate support and fair outcomes.”

    — Jonathan Warren, head of innovation, Altus

  • “We are pleased to support MorganAsh to bring this intelligence and ongoing data monitoring to their innovative MARS platform. Both companies are well-aligned in our passion for delivering robust, high-quality solutions to help firms stay compliant and make better business decisions.”

    Alan Clay, LexisNexis Risk Solutions

  • “Integrating MARS is an exciting step in our journey to help us to build a complete picture of each client at outset and through their debt journey, as well as to report accurately on our findings. We’re thrilled to partner with MorganAsh for this project.”

    Emma Gibbons, PayPlan

  • “You were very, very kind. You have just been so nice compared to other people I have talked to. From one person to another, I really do thank you.”

    Vulnerable person helped by MorganAsh

  • “I’m very impressed and surprised. I wasn’t expecting the support aspect. Very helpful, thank you. I’m impressed by the idea of the meditation and will look into that, definitely. I’m impressed by your efforts.”

    Vulnerable person helped by MorganAsh

  • “The extra psychological and emotional support was invaluable. It meant I could offload less to those around me, and it made me emotionally stronger and more able to cope. Although it’s good to be getting back to life, I’m really going to miss those calls when they end.”

    Vulnerable person helped by MorganAsh

  • “The MorganAsh team was wonderfully friendly, calm and had a professional manner on the phone and also by email. They showed real empathy of the situation and were delicate in how they worded things. The team always carried through on their promises to email me or contact me to confirm arrangements.”

    MorganAsh Care Navigator customer